Unexplained Mysteries

UFO Lands Near Red River?

Three years ago, evidence was presented after nearly a year-long investigation into the possibility of one or more UFOs landing in a Moreno Valley pasture south-east of Red River.

Dee Gragg, New Mexico’s assistant director of the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) concluded there was no doubt the marks burned into the ground were the work of some sort of craft. Gragg’s conclusion gave credibility to this being an authentic landing site for world-wide UFO enthusiasts and local researchers from the ASPE (Alliance Studying Paranormal Experiences), which operates out of Angel Fire, NM.

Janet Sailor, of ASPE, was originally contacted by Judy Piper, one of the owners of the land about odd patterns which appeared in the field. She also reported to have once seen a strange light above one of the hills.


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According to Sailor, the area is widely recognized as a UFO hot-spot, with numerous sightings and related phenomena reported by residents over the years.

One of Dee Gragg’s presentation points was that similar rings were found in Delphos, Kansas, back in 1978. Gragg also concluded that he believes the Moreno Valley burn marks were not from a single craft, but possibly up to four separate craft. Over the years, similar scars have been left behind in this same area, leading Gragg to conclude a possible landing location for more than one type of craft.

In his expanded investigation summery, Gragg stated,

“While four of us were taking the measurements, the witness and the rancher’s wife continued to search further up the meadow and made and interesting find. Continuing past Ring C, two more rings, Rings E and F were found (see Figure 3, Nest Area).”

“Past these two rings was an amazing find. There were additional rings and circles. The rings were generally smaller than previously found and some were in various stages of new growth in the dirt portion of the ring. This would appear to be an area which has been used as a landing site for some years!”

“In addition to the rings we also found several circles. These were most amazing. They were 10 to 12 feet in diameter and had a growth of 12 to 15 inches in height while the grass around them was still at the mowed height of a few inches. It was as if they had received a super fertilizer of some type. One possibility is perhaps a second type of craft is also using this area. But for now, this remains a mystery yet to be solved.” Source:  www.ASPEfiles.org – ASPEmagazine


Discussing similar paranormal activity for the greater Enchanted Circle, Sailor shared many stories about her investigations over the years. We hope to share more of her accounts in future posts.

For more information about this investigation as well as other paranormal activity researched by ASPE, please visit http://www.aspefiles.org/index.php/aspemagazine