
Community House Spirit

Commusnity House
The Red River Community House has been the center of social activities for visitors since opening the doors in 1942. Built to provide a place where folks could visit, play cards and dance, it also serves as a place of worship on Sunday and continues to serve as that. It’s described at times as the soul of Red River.

Founded as a not-for-profit corporation by folks from Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico who spent their summer months in the cool air of the beautiful Red River Valley of New Mexico, it was built with donations and free-will offerings. Construction of the log structure was done by local building contractor Elmer Janney. He even built the big stone chimney and fireplace that remain today as a symbol of the warmth and love that embodies the true spirit of the Community House.

Over 400 activities are planned for Summer 2019. That’s not a typo: Over 400 activities during the months of June, July, August and September will infuse the RRCH with the energy and joy you would expect in such a big log cabin in the middle of a mountain town in the middle of the forest!

There is the Explore Nature Program provided through the generosity of the Amanda Pierce Nature Fund which includes the Arbor Day Tree Planting on June 20, the Nature Discovery Camp and nature hikes. There is square dancing and line dancing, 4th of July old-fashioned games, the boat-building and races for the youngsters, S’mores and Stories, bingo for the family, yoga, geocaching, senior games, volleyball games on the lawn, Hobbies in the House, Vacation Bible School…

Let’s not forget: Non-denominational worship services every Sunday featuring guest speakers.

All events are FREE. Donations are most welcome.